Saturday, October 2, 2010

Team Work on So Many Levels!

After reading Jessica’s last blog I got a little teary. It is so true; we are travel mates for life! As in any dynamic duo we have our ups and downs our quarrels and our successes. When it comes down to it, we have a beautiful relationship that I am so’s hard to find a good friend, travel partner, and business colleague in one!

This summer I worked in Inuvik, NWT right near Santa’s house in the Arctic Circle. While I was there I did a few road trips and travels. My friends that I traveled with were a lot of fun, but they weren’t Jessica. They were patient, but they weren’t Jessica. They let me have my music loud, but they weren’t Jessica. Finding a good travel partner is like having a great dancing partner....they flow and bend together, and that’s the great relationship that we have! I am so very thankful for you Black Mamba! (Jessica’s snake name....we all need a snake name right?).

Last night was an OkaZHI fundraiser and social event at UBCO. I have to give my team so much credit for pulling it off and it was a great success! Currently we are planning our next trip to Zambia which is in approximately 2 weeks....The amount of planning, preparation, and course development that is going on right now is enough for everyone to be working full time just on OkaZHI work alone! In spite of this we were able to pull off a very successful event with over 100 participants. I am so grateful for our braai’ing team, our fantastic servers and volunteers from UBCO nursing school, and our OkaZHI members for their incredible social skills!

It was neat for me to have 2 special members in the audience. My Mom and Dad came from Prince George and were able to attend their first OkaZHI event. I have to admit that I was a little nervous to present in front of them, even though I have presented many times before. I was glad they were finally able to meet members of our team that have been such a huge support!

On that note, let me talk about the OkaZHI team. How is it that we have found a group that works so well together? We all have a very strong work ethic that is paired quite nicely with our sense of laughter. I love that we are able to work together to brain storm solutions to a problem...I love that we are able to meet 5, 6, 7 times a month and not be sick of each other....I love that we are able to exuberate that same sense of laughter that I see in our Zambian colleagues. I love our passion. We have all given so much of ourselves in so many ways but all for a common goal. Can you imagine if the rest of the world had the same sense of collegiality; it would be a different world!

Two weeks....Can you believe we are back at it again? I cannot wait to see our friends and family in Lusaka, Mongu, and surrounding areas. We have been blessed to have a fantastic hardworking team on the ground in Zambia as well! This will be our biggest team to go to Mongu which means 15 times the fun....So watch out Mongu here we come!

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